High quality papers on unpublished research and implementation experiences are solicited for submission. All papers must be original and not substantially duplicate work that has been published at or is simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference/workshop with proceedings.
All submissions must be written in English, at most 20 pages in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format, including title, abstract, and bibliography. The introduction should summarise the contributions of the paper at the level understandable for a non-expert reader. The introduction should also explain the relation to related work. At most 4 pages of supplemental material may be provided as well-marked appendices, however, the paper should be intelligible without this material. Submissions must be anonymous (no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references).
The conference will also consider short papers, that is, submissions of up to 8 pages (in the LNCS format), for results that are not yet fully fleshed out or that simply require few pages to describe but still make a significant contribution.
All submissions must be processed with LaTeX2e according to the instructions given by Springer. Submitted manuscripts must be typeset in plain Springer LNCS format, in particular without changing the font size, margins or line spacing.Submissions not meeting these guidelines may be rejected without consideration of their merits.
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format via easychair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cans2018
At least one author of every accepted paper must register to the conference by the early registration deadline indicated by the organizers. Papers without a registered author will be removed from the proceedings. Authors have to present their own paper(s). Proceedings including all accepted papers will be published in LNCS and will be available at the conference.
Submission deadline: |
Author notification: | July 1, 2018 |
Camera-ready version: | July 23, 2018, 23:59 UTC |
Conference dates: | Sept. 30 – Oct. 3, 2018 |
Program Co-Chairs: | Jan Camenisch | IBM Research - Zürich, Switzerland |
Panagiotis Papadimitratos | KTH Stockholm, Sweden | |
Local and Organising Committee: | Vincenzo Iovino (General Chair) | University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg |
Elena Pagnin | Chalmers University, Sweden | |
Giuseppe Persiano | University of Salerno, Italy | |
Giovanni Schmid (Organising Chair) | CNR-Icar and Parthenope University, Italy | |
Publicity Chair: | Giovanni Livraga | University of Milan, Italy |
Program Committee: | Giuseppe Ateniese | Stevens Institute of Technology, USA |
Tuomas Aura | Aalto University, Finnland | |
Reza Azarderakhsh | Florida Atlantic University, USA | |
Lejla Batina | Radboud University, The Netherlands | |
Elisa Bertino | Purdue University, USA | |
Erik-Oliver Blass | Airbus Group Innovationss, France | |
Sonja Buchegger | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden | |
Jan Camenisch | IBM Research - Zürich, Switzerland | |
Jing Deng | UNCG, USA | |
Rafael Dowsley | Aarhus University, Denmark | |
Manu Drijvers | IBM Research - Zürich, Switzerland | |
Rachid El Bansarkhani | TU Darmstadt, Germany | |
Ali El Kaafarani | University of Oxford, Mathematical Institute, UK | |
Pooya Farshim | ENS, France | |
Elena Ferrari | University of Insubria, Italy | |
Lothar Fritsch | Karlstad University, Sweden | |
Chaya Ganesh | Aarhus University, Denmark | |
Peter Gaži | IST Austria, Austria | |
Esha Ghosh | Microsoft, USA | |
Dieter Gollmann | Hamburg University of Technology, Germany | |
Jan Hajny | VUT Brno, Czech Republic | |
Gerhard Hancke | City University of Hong Kong, China | |
Amir Herzberg | Dept. of Computer Science, Bar Ilan University, Israel | |
Julia Hesse | ENS & CNRS, France | |
Sotiris Ioannidis | FORTH, Greece | |
Vincenzo Iovino | University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg | |
Frank Kargl | University of Ulm, Germany | |
Stefan Katzenbeisser | TU Darmstadt, Germany | |
Florian Kerschbaum | University of Waterloo, Canada | |
Stephan Krenn | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria | |
Ralf Kuesters | University of Stuttgart, Germany | |
Loukas Lazos | University of Arizona, USA | |
Zhe Liu | University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg | |
Panos Louridas | Athens University of Economics and Business and Greek Research and Technology Network, Greece | |
Songwu Lu | University of California, Los Angeles, USA | |
Evangelos Markatos | ICS/FORTH, Greece | |
Ivan Martinovic | University of Oxford, UK | |
Panagiotis Papadimitratos | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden | |
Stefano Paraboschi | Università di Bergamo, Italy | |
Alfredo Rial | University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg | |
Pierangela Samarati | University of Milan, Italy | |
Alessandra Scafuro | NCSU, USA | |
Nolen Scaife | University of Florida, USA | |
Thomas Schneider | TU Darmstadt, Germany | |
Dominique Schroeder | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany | |
Antonio Skarmeta Gomez | Universidad de Murcia, Spain | |
Claudio Soriente | NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany | |
Willy Susilo | University of Wollongong, Australia | |
George Theodorakopoulos | Cardiff University, UK | |
Ari Trachtenberg | Boston University, USA | |
Frederik Vercauteren | K.U.Leuven - ESAT/COSIC, Belgium | |
Steering Committee: | Yvo Desmedt (Chair) | University of Texas at Dallas, USA |
Juan A. Garay | Yahoo! Labs, USA | |
Amir Herzberg | Bar-Ilan University, Israel | |
Yi Mu | University of Wollongong, Australia | |
David Pointcheval | CNRS and ENS Paris, France | |
Huaxiong Wang | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |